
Dissemination and Engagement
We're now in the last 18 months of our project, so we are getting out there and spreading the word about Nurture-U!
Academic Publications
We're in early days of analysis for publication but we do have three journal articles published so far from Nurture-U:
Dooley, J., Ghezal, A., Gilpin, T., Hassan Basri, H., Humberstone, K., Lahdelma, A., ... & Watkins, E. (2023). Assessing the impact of university students’ involvement in the first year of Nurture-U: a national student wellbeing research project. Research Involvement and Engagement, 9(1), 95.
Armstrong, N., & Byrom, N. C. (2023). The Impact of Mitigating Circumstances Procedures: Student Satisfaction, Wellbeing and Structural Compassion on the Campus. Education Sciences, 13(12), 1230.
Watkins, E. R., Phillips, D., Cranston, T., Choueiri, H., Newton, M., Cook, H., & Taylor, G. (2024). A randomized controlled trial of a self-guided mobile app targeting repetitive negative thought to prevent depression in university students: study protocol of the Nurture-U Reducing Worry prevention trial. BMC psychiatry, 24(1), 649.

The Nurture-U Conference
Nurture-U stakeholder conference
University of Exeter, 3rd December 2024
We held a free conference for stakeholders in Nurture-U, with attendees comprising of academics, university wellbeing services, policy makers and students. We presented initial analyses for discussion and suggestions on future work. Click here to download the slides for the day and do email if you would like any more information.
UKRI ECR events

EDIFY online communication showcase, Re-STAR workshops, ReTHINK/ReSET interdisciplinary collaboration
Various - October-November 2024
Our Early Career Researcher cousins in our other projects arranged multiple workshops encouraging collaboration and engagement over the autumn term of 2024. We presented on social media engagement and challenges to multidisciplinary working. Do follow the social media accounts of EDIFY, ReSTAR and RESET to keep up to date with their research!

Mental Health in Emerging Adulthood
Early Career Researcher conference
University of Oxford, 23rd September 2024
This conference was organised by our early career researchers. It was a really successful day for ECRs and young people to discuss mental health in young people. Congrats to Billie Turner (University of Glasgow), Thareq Barasabha (University of Oxford) and Laura Lucas (University College London) who came first, second and third respectively in the poster competition. Please click here for the conference programme and here for a short vlog.

Student Mental Health conference
Kings College London, 10-12th June 2024
Lots of the Nurture-U team presented at this AMAZING conference organised by Nicola Byrom and the KCL SMaRteN team. Lots of positive and constructive discussions about improving student mental health. You can see our practice presentations here, a short vlog here, and find out more about SMaRteN here.
Uni Student Wellbeing Research Hub
University of Melbourne
Wednesday 28th August 2024
Our PI Professor Ed Watkins spoke at the University of Melbourne's University Student Wellbeing seminar. Here's the video, and follow this link for another talk from Dr Julieta Galante from Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences.